Our mission is to help travellers easily shop tax-free at stores and brands that love them back.
To do that we offer the easiest online and mobile service, to the most diverse group of customers, for the highest refund guaranteed.
Why mobile? With airports requesting travellers to show up at least three hours before their flight, and safety procedures taking up a lot of time, most travellers have little time left to arrange getting a Customs validation stamp on their receipts. Standing in line at Customs may take up to half an hour or more. Being required to then stand in line at a desk for a cash refund, can increase the time of this entire process to an hour or more. Time is spare so we built the first ever tax-free shopping app in 2016, so travellers can finalize the refund claim once they find a spare moment, on the plane home or in the comfort of their own house.
Why diverse? We are the first and only tax-free shopping service founded by travellers, specifically for travellers, with a main focus on travellers' needs. Our service therefore ranges from helping a range of travellers from tourists, cruise passengers, military staff, expats and international students. We also are able to help travellers get back VAT over shopping made online, offline, cross border, over purchases charged with low as well as high VAT rates at shops that are either listed in our shopping guide as well as not listed and new to us.
Why the highest refund guaranteed? The most common feedback we get from travellers is that they feel uncomfortable being subjected to high fees for claiming back Value Added Tax they are entitled to. Especially after having to go through so much effort to arrange the refund. We get that. Regulation states that when exporting goods to a non-EU country, you do not have to pay VAT. For travellers to claim back the initial paid VAT, they have to stand in line at Customs, before flying back home, to get proof of the export. This can be quite stressful, take up quite some time and in some occasions even lead to missing out if queues are long and you have to catch a plane. Once the stamp is collected, the only way to claim back VAT is to contact the shop. If the shop is unwilling to cooperate, charges high fees (with or without a tax-free partner) or just takes a long time to process it all, this leads to disappointment and a feeling of despair. Traditional tax-free shopping companies charge fees varying from 35% to 50% of the VAT amount and are only an option if shops are affiliated. We decided to use today's technology to create an open platform for all shops to easily join, without necessary contracts, and to minimize costs in such a way that we can continue to offer the highest possible refund. Our service fee starts at €2,50 per receipt with a maximum of €90. With this we hope to have helped retailers and shops as well as we believe a happy customer is a customer for life.
We would love you to join us and list your shop(s) in our shopping guide free of charge: click here to join.